Alice Peters Cutress was my grandmother and Sroor Peters was her father. My grandmother passed away in April of 92. She was very private about her parents an never spoke of them while I was growing up. I have always wondered about them an would love to meet any family members who might know anything.
Wasn't til a few yrs ago when my father Randy Cutress (he is a very private person too, lol) told me that Sroor and his wife were an arranged marraige in Damascus Syria. One of them was Syrian an I believe the other was Lebanese, just not sure who was which. They came to Mass by way of Mississippi I believe.
I have always been fascinated by the "secrecy" of my great grandparents, an other than the info I have mentioned, I know nothing else about them. If anyone has any info, it would be sooooooo greatly appreciated.
I do remember meeting some of my grandmothers siblings as a small child, but I don't remember names other than surnames of possibly "George", and I know some were living in Shrewsbury and up around the Massasoit Rd area of Worcester.
Looking forward to hearing from anyone with info,