Author Topic: historic pictures R&G Neckwear Manufacturing and/or Wedding Notice Joseph Rubler  (Read 4067 times)


  • Just Moved Here
  • *
  • Posts: 4
Hello there,

My grandfather Joseph Rubler lived and died in Worcester across from what is now a college or junior college. My mother tells me he owned a neckwear manufacturing company in Worcester and that when he married my grandmother Sally Kosakowski Rubler that it was somewhat of a story since she apparently was much younger. My mother said it made the newspaper something like "businessman marries..."

I'd love any history, facts on, or pictures of R&G neckwear and I'd love to know how to find the wedding story or announcement for my grandparents in the paper.


  • Townie
  • ***
  • Posts: 156
I did a quick look in some census records and Worcester directories but don't see anything.  What timeframe are you talking about and where are you located?