Hello again. I am astounded that you know Susan Turcotte! Would you please give her my email address the next time you talk and pass on that I have been trying to locate her brother Robert or sister Elaine for years now and I would love to hear from her?
To answer a few of your questions in your last post, I came to Louisiana in 1972 to live with my mom when my dad died. He and my mom had split up a couple years before and I stayed with dad and my brother Bill. I joined the Coast Guard from here, stayed in five years, then left the service and went to college on the G.I. Bill. I met and married my wife Rose while going to school. She had three kids from an earlier marriage, all of which are grown now and who have given us nine grandkids. On any given weekend, I have two or three of them camped out and under foot at my house. It’s wonderful!
Weren’t those three-deckers interesting dwellings? I lived in three of them growing up and although those tenements would seem impossibly cramped to me now, every one of them had a front and back porch, front and back hall, and a kitchen pantry- refinements you don’t find in too many modern homes. I remember how people would string up Christmas lights on their front porches and the whole street would be lit up from them.
A lot of the streetlights in Worcester back then had been converted from old gaslight fixtures, and I am ashamed to say that one of the pastimes of my renegade friends and I was to try to put out the bulb with a stone. The only thing I can say in my defense is that I was a lousy shot and I don’t believe that I cost the City of Worcester too much in light bulbs!
Isn’t it revolting that all of those magnificent brick school buildings like East Kendall Street, Belmont Street, Grafton St. Jr. High and probably dozens of others had to be pulled down for PARKING LOTS? Sometimes I really despair that our country will ever reach adulthood as a nation.
I hear a wee voice calling for Pap-Paw from another room, so I guess that I’ll close for now. That email address for Susan is djgrnfrs@cox.net. It’s probably not very wise to put it out like this but I am so loaded with junk anyway I just destroy it without a thought.
Warm Regards,