Author Topic: Toner/Connelly Family Tree  (Read 7805 times)


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Toner/Connelly Family Tree
« on: May 03, 2019, 12:38:20 PM »
Could use some help with anyone on the Toner/Connelly branch from either Worcester or Marlborough Massachusetts from the late 1850's-1930's.  Possible workers in the shoe industry and possible arrivals from county Fermanagh, northern Ireland.  I have found one family on FindAGrave  located in Immaculate Conception Cemetery in Marlborough; however, they were 'cousins' not on the main branch---one on the main branch, however, was Margaret Toner and Patrick Connelly married in Worcester on 11/20/1859.  I haven't been able to located any Naturalization papers for him, born about 1836-1838.  Lastly, I haven't been lucky with St. John's cemetery in Worcester either.

Any Toners/Connelly's out there to aide in my searching???  Thank you,

John F. Lutz