Author Topic: Spider Gates  (Read 6528 times)

Deborah O,Connor

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Spider Gates
« on: February 07, 2002, 04:35:08 AM »
I really want directions to Spider Gates Cemetary in Worcester. I have tried every where but am having no luck... could you please help me ............................if possible could you also give me directions to the Moonlight Inn in Pembroke also.. Ive lived in Pembroke For 31 years and havenever heard about it until I saw it on if you can only do one ..could you please do the Cemetary... Thanks f for your help..... from Debbie in Hanson


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Re: Spider Gates
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2002, 08:01:13 AM »
Dear Debby,

  I am also looking for directions to spider gates because I plan on going there with two of my friends during April vacation.
   I also heard that it was privet property and anyone who tresspasses will be arested but you can't belive everything that you hear.

  As far as directions go this is all that I know, it is located between Resivoir Drive and Mulberry Street, and that it is 100 meters away form a brook.  If you have any luck with info please reply....................thanks
P.S. If you go there and you some how connect witha ghost tell me about it.  Happy Huntings :o


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Re: Spider Gates
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2002, 09:43:02 AM »



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Re: Spider Gates
« Reply #3 on: April 30, 2002, 04:44:04 AM »
It is on private property and the road is frequently patrolled by the local police. It's really quite beautiful and tranquil there if you don't let yourself be taken over by the hype. But, I would be extremely careful when visiting, not of the "Ghosts" but of other adventurers who may be doing some questionable activities.  

David Roche

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Re: Spider Gates
« Reply #4 on: September 08, 2002, 02:26:47 AM »

     I am a member of the committee of trustees and former clerk of the Worcetsr-Pleasant Street Friend Meeting, 901 Pleasant St., Worcester, Mass. The Friends Cemetery in Leicester, Mass. also known as "Spider Gates" is owned by our meeting. We are in the process of contacting people interested in the cemetery to give our perspective of the cemetery.

     Over the past several years, most of us in the meeting have become somewhat amused, and, at the same time, somewhat concerned over rumors of para-normal phenomena at the cemetery. Frankly, we view the cemetery as the final resting place for our members, and whether or not there are supernatural phenomena there is not of much concern to most of us.

     We do ask that visitors to the site recognize and respect the fact that it is still an active cemetery and refrain from activities such as but not limited to: use of alcohol or drugs, parties, seances, sexual activities, vandalism and overt investigations of supernatural phenomena.

     This is not to imply that you or any of your acquaintances have engaged in any of the above activities, however, we would appreciate it if you would pass on to others our feelings about the site.

     Thank you for the opportunity to clarify the staus of the Friends Cemetery in Leicester. Let us know if you have any questions; we have nothing to hide about the site.

Best regards,

David Roche

P.S. The Friends Meeting has no objection to visitors to the site provided they behave appropriately. But you should check first with the Leicester Police Department. They may have a different view and we do wish to be cooperative with them