Author Topic: Worcester Historic Neighborhood History  (Read 20972 times)


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Worcester Historic Neighborhood History
« on: July 03, 2008, 09:26:25 AM »
I am looking for historic information about Worcester's neighborhoods. Does anyone have any information?  ;D


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Re: Worcester Historic Neighborhood History
« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2008, 07:54:01 PM »
I have a number of books called "Images of America - Worcester" published by Arcadia Publishing of charleston SC.  They are basically captioned picture books of Worcester (Downtown, neighborhoods, sections, etc.).  I found them to be very interesting and informative.  In addition, each have an extensive bibliography that will lead you to other books. 

Images of America (most any city in the US) can be ordered directly from the publisher at or has them also.

I imagine the Library has them too.

Hope that helps,

Paul Johnson


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Re: Worcester Historic Neighborhood History
« Reply #2 on: July 06, 2008, 03:53:12 PM »
That does help. How do I learn what the various neighborhoods are, and their significance? Do the books tell that information?



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Re: Worcester Historic Neighborhood History
« Reply #3 on: July 07, 2008, 07:49:40 PM »

Depends what you want to know or what information you need.  If, for example, you are looking for ethnicity (Swedish, Irish, Italian, etc.) some of these books are devoted to that subject, especially Swedish.  If you are looking for architechture, such as three-deckers, etc., there are pictures of them.  If you are trying to do a specific thing, (write a book for example), I'd need a bit more information to point you in the right direction (if I could at all).  Why don't you trry to get one or more of the books I recommended at the library,  see what they contain, then go from there.



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Re: Worcester Historic Neighborhood History
« Reply #4 on: July 15, 2008, 11:48:47 AM »
I am looking for historic information about Worcester's neighborhoods. Does anyone have any information?  ;D

I don't know if this is exactly what you're looking for, but I found it a pretty interesting read.

You'll need Adobe Acrobat installed to be able to read it, but that's standard issue with most computers I'd safely bet.

I found that on the county clerk's website, along with some excellent historical info, trivia, and pics of the tornado aftermath. It's amazing what you can find stumbling around, here's the link.


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Re: Worcester Historic Neighborhood History
« Reply #5 on: January 25, 2011, 08:34:26 AM »
Regarding "Neighborhoods" a place to start could be.
The Worcester directory containing a general directory of the citizens, a business directory and the city and county register
Published by R.L. Polk & Co., 1916
Original from Harvard University Digitized Jun 1, 2007
Bancroft Heights. - West of Salisbury street, near Park avenue. Height 720 feet
Bigelow Hill. - Bnrncoat st., .5 mile north of Adams square. Height 725 feet
Chandler Hill. - Belmont st. Height 721 feet
Green Hill. - East of Lincoln street, terminus of Green Hill parkway. Height 777 feet
Hancock Hill. - Between Salisbury and Forest streets. Height 780 feet
Hessinger Hill or Fairmount. - North of North street. Height 620 feet
Millstone Hill. - Belmont St. Height 760 feet
Mount Ararat.- South of Ararat street. Height 780 feet
Newton Hill. - Between Park avenue, Highland and Pleasant streets. Height 672 feet
Oak Hill. - Between Franklin and Plantation streets. Height 700 feet
Рakachoag Hill or Мt. St. James. -Near College of the Holy Cross. Height 698 feet
Parker Hill. - Fowler street Height 1,000 feet
Union Hill. - Providence street. Height 625 feet
Wigwam Hill. - Plantation street. Height 560 ft.
Winter Hill.  - Grove street. Height 980 feet.
for Publie Squares, see Street Directory. For Playgrounds, see Index of Contents,
Boynton Park, In towns of Paxton and Holden, near city line. Contains 113 acres.
Burncoat Park, on Melrose street, between Burncoat and Lincoln streets. 41.51 acres.
Chandler Нill Park, between Shrewsbury, Merrifield and Belmont streets. Contains about 80.84 acres.
Columbus Park is small on Vincent Ave 1911 ward map 13
Common, between Main, Front, and Franklin streets and Salem square. Contains 4.8 acres.
Cromрton Park. between Harding. Canton and Endicott streets and Quinsigamond avenue. Contains 15.25 acres.
Dodge Park, on Randolph road, abont .25 mile northwest of Bumcoat St. Contains 13 acre.
Elm Park, on Park avenue, Russell, Elm, Pleasant and Highland streets. It includes Newton Hill. Contains 88 acres. Fairmount Squars, between Hemans, Willis, Bremer and Bryant streets. Contains .95 acres.
Grant Square, between Northampton and Mount Vernon streets. Contains 1.55 acres.
Green Hill Park, at terminus of Channing and Green Hill parkway, and extends from Belmont street to Lincoln. Contains about 500 acres.
Hadwen Park, between Heard street and Curtis Pond. Contains abont 50 acres.
Institute Park, on Salisbury street. Park avenue and Grove street. Contains 25.44 acres.
Lake Park, on Lake avenue, between Nonquit street. Coburn avenne and Lake Qulnsigamond. Contains 110 acres.
Middle River Park, between Middle River road and Middle River. Contains 8.1 acres.
North Shore Reservation, bordering Lake Quinsigamond, between Belmout and Lincoln streets. Contains 5.95 acres. Salisbury Park, on either side of Massachusetts avenue, between Park avenne and Beechmont street. It includes Bancroft Hill. 18.99 acres.
University Pakk, between Main, Gates, Crystal. and Illinois streets. Contains 14 acres. 
Estimated total area of City Parke, 1,091.88 acres.
For Public Parks and Playground Commissioner, see Index of Contents.
Bever Brook Playground, Chandler. Mayfield and Parker streets, to Beaver Brook. Contains 16.49 acres.
Bell Pond Swimming Beach, Belmont street. Contains 3.5 acres.
Greenwood Playground, on Greenwood street, between Tatman and Foraberg. 14.96 acres.
Indian Lake Swimming Beach, between Stowell and Sherhurne avenues. 1.14 acres.
Kendrick Field, on Brooks street, Greendale. Contains 14.87 acres.
Maloney's Field, on Cambridge street, between Camp street and N. Y., N. H. & H. R. B. Contains 4.54 acres.
Tatnuck Platgrodnd, in rear of Tatnuck Schoolhouse, on Pleasant street. Contains 2.94 acres.
Vernos Hill Playground, between Vernon and Providence streets. Contains 16.43 acres.
Worcester Public Golf Links, Lincoln street, near Goldthwait road.
Bancroft Park - On Lincoln street, beyond Burncoat Park
Barnardville - On Webster et, opp. cemetery
Barrymore - On Ballard street
Bedford Heights - 500 Lincoln st., cor. Boylston
Belmont Park - On east side of West Boylston street, near Summit Station
Bloomingdale - On Franklin and Plantation sts., one mile east of Washington square
Burncoat Heights - On Burncoat st., cor. Clark
Chadwick Heights - On Chadwick street
City View - On College street near Auburn line
Columbus Park - West of Lovell street
Dodge Park - South of Randolph road
Dodge Terrace - North of Randolph road
Edgewood Heights -- On Moreland street, near Pleasant (Edgewood St is off June St)
Fairmount - North of North street
Goldthwait Park - On Lincoln street, beyond Bancroft Park (Goldthwait Rd is off Lincoln st)
Greendale - On WestBoylston st, near Brooks
Hillcroft - On Burncoat. street, opp. Clark
Hillside - On Pleasant street, near Tatnnck
Hopeville - On Sntton lane, near Webster square
Huntington Terrace - On West Boylston street, corner Hnntington avenue
Intervals - On Lincoln street, near Boylston.
Jamesville - South of Staflord st., near Auburn
Lakemont - On Belmont street, near Plantation
Lake View - Between Belmont St., Lake Qulneisamoml and В.& A. R. R.
Lenox - On Pleasant street, opp. Richmond av.
Maplewood - On Burncoat street, corner Clark
Montvale - On Salesbury street, near Park av.
Mountain View - On Wheeler av., near Forest
New Worcester - At the junction of Main street with Webster and Cambridge, at Webster sq.
Northlands - Between West Boylaton street and Indian Lake
Northville - On and near West Boylston st., two miles north of City Hall
North Worcester - Four miles north of City Hall, on Holden road
Park View - On Randolph road, opp. Dodge Park
Pleasant Manor - On Pleasant street, cor. Flagg
Putnam Manor - On Adams, Shrewsbury and Belmont streets
Quinsigamond Village - Two miles southeast of City Hall, on Millbury street
Richmond Heights - On Pleasant street beyond Newton square
South Worcester - At the intersection of Southbridge street with Cambridge
Stormont -On Lincoln st., beyond Britten square
Summit Gardens - On Mountain street
Tallawanda - West of Gates lane
Tatnuck - At the intersection of Mill. Mower and Pleasant streets, three miles from City Hall
Trowbridgeville - On Webster st., nr. Anburn line
Valley Falls - On Main st.. near Leicester line, about four miles from City Hall
West Side Manor - On June street, cor. May
Worcester Highlands - On Grafton and Plantation street.


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Re: Worcester Historic Neighborhood History
« Reply #6 on: March 30, 2012, 11:59:41 AM »
paul did you have that fish and chips store