Author Topic: Another Maroney Question  (Read 8106 times)


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Another Maroney Question
« on: July 25, 2007, 04:47:59 AM »
  I found a Patrick Maroney in Massachusetts Vitals at NEGHS who died in Worcester April 17, 1904 of cancer at the Home Farm.  This is an interesting find for me for several reasons.

   First of all there is a Patrick Maroney-who ended for a time in Clinton-who is the brother of my husband's great grandmother. So there is somewhat of a naming pattern thing going here but that is flimsey. The connection doesn't lie there but it may lie in who the clerk listed as giving the information-Bridget Downs (sometimes with an e, mostly not).

   Bridget was not a Worcester resident but from Boston. She is connected to the Maroneys in several other ways. On my husband's great grandparents' marriage information from the diocese Bridget Downs is listed as the witness for his great grandmother Margaret Maroney. When I researched Bridget it appears she married late in life to an O'Connell, a printer for the The Boston Globe, at age 40. Both she and Margaret are listed as cooks in their vitals. On her marriage vital Bridget lists her parents as Patrick Downs and Susan Maroney.

    The Worcester Maroneys (except for Patrick who lists his mother as Ellen) list Michael Maroney and Lucy Killeen as parents. Bridget is listed as a niece of Patrick-not the brother but I am thinking an uncle of the Worcester clan and Bridget. So it appears to me that Michael, Patrick and Susan are siblings. I don't believe that either Michael or Susan immigrated to the US but it appears other siblings may have and may explain the movement from Boston to Worcester.

    I also found a Michael Maroney ( if the Irish naming pattern runs true in the Worcester Maroneys I often wondered if there was a Michael Maroney and if he immigrated) who died on September 20, 1891 in Worcester at the age of 32 of typhoid fever who lists a Michael Maroney and a Mary Kileen as parents. Since most of the Maroneys died in the later 1900s it would make sense that neither Patrick or Michael are listed as relatives in their obits.

   The question I have regards where Patrick died. He appears to be in the directory up 1903 but not in 1904 which would make sense. On his death certificate he is listed as dying at Home Farm in Worcester. Does anyone know anything about that? Are records available?  My next step is to try to find an obit on my next WPL visit, then if I can't to obtain a death certificate to see if that may be the direction to find another generation of Maroneys in Ireland-from the Clinton census it appears that it may be in Tipperary.
« Last Edit: July 25, 2007, 05:59:31 AM by corky3 »


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Re: Another Maroney Question
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2009, 03:43:15 AM »
  Well it has taken me awhile but I have found a few answers to my questions.

   First of all, to my red face, I found the Patrick Maroney I had researched-with children in Clinton was the wrong Patrick Maroney. The confusion lay in that pesky middle initial given in the Margaret Maroney Curtin obituary.

   The correct Patrick is Patrick J. Maroney who lists both Michael and Lucy Maroney. Biographical details on that Patrick is as follows:

                Born April 1866 in Ireland. Death unknown although definitely before 1946

                Married Delia Downes ( June 1869 Ireland; died widow November 23, 1946 Boston) on November 23, 1893 Boston.

                One living child Margaret I. Maroney January 1898 Boston.

                 Delia reports two children but that child appears to have died at birth or early. Could not find out any more information concerning Margaret although she and a cousin Beatrice Rose Downes ( daughter of Delia's brother Henry) were living with the couple. Margaret was in her 30s.

                  The question of Michael Maroney-a definite additional sibling. Going through genealogy bank again I found  that his funeral was held from his brother-in-law's house, James Hoy, Mary Maroney's husband, on 2 Ford Street in Worcester. I always figured there was a Michael Maroney out there and now I have found him.

                   That brings the total of Maroney siblings to definitely 6 siblings who immigrated-possibley 7 if I can find more information concerning Elizabeth Maroney with whom Mary was in service with in the Going family of Boston.

                    This also makes me reassess as to where the Maroneys came from in Ireland. I am beginning to think they too may be a Clare family.


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Re: Another Maroney Question
« Reply #2 on: July 26, 2012, 05:05:37 AM »
  Thanks to another member of Ancestry who emailed me-research  primarily in the Sexton family -it appears he found the missing Maroneys and where they are from in Ireland. Kevin O'Brien does research in Ireland and found in the parish records of Kilfarby which is really Miltown Malbay my Maroney also Morony family.

  Quite a few more children but that is not a surprise. I am actually leaving for Ireland this afternoon but I am sure I will not have time for any more research.