Author Topic: Virginia M Pitcher and Matt Brown  (Read 4779 times)

Sharp Emmons

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Virginia M Pitcher and Matt Brown
« on: October 04, 2002, 02:32:10 AM »

My name is Sharp Emmons and I once new two great people from your fair city. They lived in Murfreesboro, TN, just south of Nashville and were married in 1999 in Worcester.

Her given name is Virginia M Pitcher and she married Matthew Brown. Both are around 30 years old.

My wife and I will be up there for our 2nd anniversary and would love to catch up with them. Here is the address we have for them?

Matt and Ginny
15 Carter Road
Worcester, MA 01609

I called the number, and they do not seem to be there anymore.

Anyone who knows these fine folks, please help us get to them.


Sharp and Elizabeth Emmons