Author Topic: Kneeland's of Co Sligo Ireland  (Read 10808 times)


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Kneeland's of Co Sligo Ireland
« on: March 01, 2010, 06:31:09 PM »
At the suggestion of Merski I am starting a subject on the Sligo Kneeland's with the hope that some new information will come to light.
Andrew b Sligo 1791 d Worcester 26 March 1866 and Catherine McCarrick Kneeland b 1798 and d 1876 both are buried in St. Johns cemetery. They have a large monument in St. Johns cemetery that has the words fading fast. I plan to upload photos soon. They immigrated from Sligo to Worcester by way of St. Johns N to Boston in 1839, I believe. Andrew and Catherine had several children who were also born in Sligo and immigrated to Worcester. My great grandfather was John A Kneeland b Sligo 1827 and d Worcester Dec 6 1897, my great grandmother was Elizabeth Burns b 12 May 1836 Clony Curry Ireland and d Worcester 12 July 1889. I have noticed other Kneeland's from Sligo who immigrated to Worcester but have not been able to make any connections, although I suspect that Andrew may have had siblings, thus possibly the reason for immigrating specifically to Worcester besides the similarities such as St. Johns church, the town names like Leicester and of course work in the woolen mills. Andrew's parents were John Kneeland and Mary. I don't have any immigration information on them so i guess they died in Ireland. What I have recently discovered is the name of Linghill Sligo Ireland as a birth location for Andrew on naturalization records i have not yet seen. I tried finding it on the map without any luck. The Kneeland's have 6 generations living in the Worcester area. I recently met on line two different 2nd cousins related to Andrew. This was very satisfying to say the least. There are Kneeland's from Boston who came over in the 1600's that are unrelated as far as I can tell. If anyone has any Worcester Kneeland relatives this would be the place to unload your information. I am also very interested in information written by O'Flynn about Andrew.


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Re: Kneeland's of Co Sligo Ireland
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2010, 02:11:46 PM »
Mike, are there two of you in Mexico? Today I got another email re: Andrew and the Sligo info. The two emails came from different addresses.


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Re: Kneeland's of Co Sligo Ireland
« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2010, 08:20:22 AM »
Mike, did you get the info from Holy Cross?


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Re: Kneeland's of Co Sligo Ireland
« Reply #3 on: April 10, 2010, 06:43:05 PM »
I have no additional info from Holy Cross College. If you know of someone willing to research Andrew and his son John A Kneeland both of Sligo in the O Flynn papers I would be willing to pay expences and fees. By the way It was me sending an email from a different address.

Of the subject of Kneelands from Mexico are you aware of the story of the BATTALION DE SAN PATRICIOS? These were the Irish that defected from the US to the Mexican side during the Mexican American War 1838. The Irish that defected before war was declared were branded on the face, the Irish that defected after war was declared were executed after the battle for Mexico City. It seems the Irish had more in common with the Catholic Mexicans. Its an interesting story and can be found in the internet. It gives a different perspective to the war.


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Re: Kneeland's of Co Sligo Ireland
« Reply #4 on: April 16, 2010, 05:55:19 PM »
Yes I have communicated with Nealonjames. Actually the name Austin Kneeland comes down from Austin Nilan who is from the same location as my Andrew Nilan in Langhil Sligo. Interesting enough Austin Kneeland and at this time the only Kneeland family in Ireland (large family) are almost always related according to the Kneelands in Ireland. I have communicated with the Kneeland family in Ireland that returned to Ireland after emigrating from Ireland to the USA then returned. The Kneeland spelling is always a product of  emigrating to the USA, thus the Irish Kneelands today got the spelling from their relative that moved to the USA. I believe that the spelling Nilan, Nealon ect are Gaelic names and when the Irish emigrated to the USA they wanted to Americanize the spelling. The Scottish have the Kneeland spelling as the country spoke English. Of course this is my theory.


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Re: Kneeland's of Co Sligo Ireland
« Reply #5 on: September 20, 2010, 02:58:34 PM »
To all of you on this board.  Mike Kneeland did get to go to Ireland.  When he got home he died very shortly afterwards- about a month ago.  I got an email from his daughter today.  Keep him and her in your thoughts.  Life is what you love...try to be happy.