Author Topic: Adopted Can you help?  (Read 5571 times)


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Adopted Can you help?
« on: February 16, 2004, 04:13:21 AM »
I was concieved in the year of 1968 by a young girl named Eileen who was a student at a trade school.
If you have any information leading to my biological father please contact me at my e-mail address. I was told that his name is paul, and that he was living with a brother because his parents were deceased. If you have any information on this subject please e-mail me at

Sandra J. Gauthier

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Re: Adopted Can you help?
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2004, 11:37:21 AM »
Wish that I could help you...
This may help... I lost contact with my nieces and nephews for thirty years.. A family tragedy..
I got into after two years I found all of them.
A very special gift for me...
It's worth a try. Miracles do happen I know as I've sure been blessed... Their all grown and scattered but miles make no difference as we have so much love. Yes, we will have a re-union ... Just the six of us..
I wish you luck and clear skies.