Author Topic: Freeland St. School  (Read 5525 times)

Richard Finne

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Freeland St. School
« on: December 21, 2004, 05:24:25 AM »
I lived on the corner of Freeland St and Main St. I lived in the big house on the corner. I went to Freeland St. School for the 5 and 6t grades then on to Gates Lane School. I moved to Los Angles,Ca. in 1954. I remember one of my  teachers name Miss O'Shea or O'Shay.  She taught the 5th grade. I use to hang out at the Dairy Queen in the summer with a bunch of friends. Would like to hear from someone from that era.

Al Warhurst

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Re: Freeland St. School
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2007, 10:31:50 AM »
I lived on the corner of Freeland St and Main St. I lived in the big house on the corner. I went to Freeland St. School for the 5 and 6t grades then on to Gates Lane School. I moved to Los Angles,Ca. in 1954. I remember one of my  teachers name Miss O'Shea or O'Shay.  She taught the 5th grade. I use to hang out at the Dairy Queen in the summer with a bunch of friends. Would like to hear from someone from that era.
    I lived across the street from Dolan Oldsmobile, 1016 Main St. Went to Freeland St. School then to Gates Lane, then South High. My Mom worked in the meat dept. at Glasses Market. I live in Tn. sense 1989, New Jersey before that. Hope you get back to me.