Good evening, "Wormtonians". I'm someone who
is fascinated by cities and towns, so I'm probably the
only one breathing who has ever wondered about this:
How does the revival of Providence look from your perspective in New England's second city?
City planners and members of the national press have been turning handsprings over the comeback of what a New York paper once called "a smudge on the map" and its draws: the polished riverbanks, RISD, J&W, and quality in-town neighborhoods.
Has the good fortune in Rhode Island's flagship city,
and all the commentary about it, made Worcester nervous about Providence ripping away the "Second
City of New England" title? Or does Worcester look at
Providence and say that they're just catching up? I live
about 350 miles southwest of Worcester, without a friend, relative, or rooting interest in either city; nor am I trying to start some battle between the two towns. Being a Pittsburgh refugee though, I appreciate hardworking commercial-industrial beehives that haven't sold their souls for tourism cash.
Just in case anybody thinks I'm busting on Woos-TAH
, I live in a state (Maryland) where Framingham would be the second largest city if it were in my state instead of Massachusetts. So, how does what is going on in
Providence play in your town?