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Looking For Former Worcester Residents / has anyone seen johnny loco
« Last post by deacon on January 07, 2020, 06:33:02 AM »
ya has anyone seen johnny loco. he used to be at main and gardner street scratching his face
Worcester Irish Genealogy/History / Toner/Connelly Family Tree
« Last post by NEMSTC on May 03, 2019, 12:38:20 PM »
Could use some help with anyone on the Toner/Connelly branch from either Worcester or Marlborough Massachusetts from the late 1850's-1930's.  Possible workers in the shoe industry and possible arrivals from county Fermanagh, northern Ireland.  I have found one family on FindAGrave  located in Immaculate Conception Cemetery in Marlborough; however, they were 'cousins' not on the main branch---one on the main branch, however, was Margaret Toner and Patrick Connelly married in Worcester on 11/20/1859.  I haven't been able to located any Naturalization papers for him, born about 1836-1838.  Lastly, I haven't been lucky with St. John's cemetery in Worcester either.

Any Toners/Connelly's out there to aide in my searching???  Thank you,

John F. Lutz
Worcester Irish Genealogy/History / Connolly/McAvoy Family Tree Branch
« Last post by NEMSTC on April 23, 2019, 11:28:52 AM »
Jane Connolly, county Fermanagh, daughter of Hugh Connolly and Anne Leonard, married James McAvoy from county Louth.  Jane was born 1831 and arrived in the USA 1848 with her brothers.  She married and later died in Worcester 1900  at 10 Wade Street. I am currently searching for her brothers who's names I don't know; however, they all resided in Marlborough, Middlesex county, Massachusetts--one brother had married daughters.  Jane was married to James McAvoy and buried in St. John's cemetery.

Any Connolly researchers out there?  Thanks.
Looking For Former Worcester Residents / Re: old friends in worcester mass
« Last post by on October 08, 2018, 08:57:27 AM »
Jimmy Barbone--from The NEW Breed who then became Alcock..sadly died last year.   He started the thread on the band and he emailed me and he and his wife and I reconnected. He left behind his wife Dottie and two sons.

   Leanna Dole ex of Mike Iagallo
Just wondering whatever happened to Steve who owned Theo's Restaurant on Highland Street?  He also owned the Pennywise Market next to it (and renamed it Andon's in honor of his sons Andrew and Don).  He was always so kind to me.  I was a Becker girl - lived in Cedar Hall on Fruit Street at the time.  When I was sick, he would send home orange juice and English muffins to me.  I last visited Worcester in 1983 & was told Steve was robbed at the restaurant and eventually moved.  Any updates would be appreciated.  Thank you.
Looking For Former Worcester Residents / lokin for herby hurtz from holden
« Last post by deacon on November 26, 2017, 10:48:53 AM »
anybody ever see herby
Worcester Irish Genealogy/History / Worcester Newspapers
« Last post by NEMSTC on April 26, 2017, 03:05:36 AM »
Could use assistance how to find the actual newspapers my Irish relatives would make use of especially for obituaries.  'Brickwalls' might come down if I could read complete obituaries from Worcester Telegram, Worcester Evening Gazette and Worcester Daily Spy.  I believe the Gazette catered more to the Irish?  Even though I was born in Worcester, I now live in Florida and visiting libraries for these newspapers might be a little bit of a problem.  Surnames of my research previously listed on Worcester Talk.

John F. Lutz
Worcester Irish Genealogy/History / Finnegans/Trainors of Lordship Roman Catholic Parish
« Last post by NEMSTC on February 05, 2017, 12:03:52 PM »
Interested in hearing from anyone who might have the following married couples in their family tree from county Louth:
1---Michael Finnigan and Mary Trainor m. June 22, 1844
2---Thomas Finnigan and Elizabeth Trainer m. Oct. 4, 1844
3---Patrick Mardon and Rose Trainor m. Feb. 10, 1844
4---Arthur Trainer to Anne Trainor m. Feb. 13, 1844

Also, as stated in other Worcester subjects, I'd like to hear from those connected to Hugh Rice 1797-1877 and Alice Trainor 1812-1899; and, Alice's brother John Trainor 1816-1884
Please email me at
I am trying to tear down 'brickwalls' with these ancestors who left Louth and Fermanagh counties in Ireland, beginning in the early 1850's, and settled in Worcester, Leicester, Cherry Valley, Hopkinton and Marlborough, Massachusetts.  They were catholic and many were buried in St. John's Cemetery, Worcester.
I'd like to have email correspondence with anyone currently researching these surnames located in the subject space; please contact me at  Thank you very much and may I look forward to hearing from you.

Marie lived on Charlotte St, around 1968 - 1970 or so
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