« Last post by Georgy Girl on March 31, 2020, 06:10:12 PM »
I attended Becker Junior College from 1968 - 1970. Lived in Cedar Hall on Fruit Street. Used to go to Theo's Restaurant all of the time. The owner, Steve, was so kind and nice. He bought the neighboring supermarket "Pennywise" and renamed it "Andon" for his two sons. I believe Theo's Restaurant is now a Subway. There was also a "Paraphernalia" boutique on the same side of the street. A real 60's boutique. Farther down the street (same side) was Friendly's Restaurant. And of course, the infamous Boynton which is still there. Who would have thought that? Used to go to parties at W.P.I. - Sigma Phi Epsilon in particular. Aaah, I miss the 60's - I miss those days! Oh yeah, Notis Pizza too. Oddly enough, I went back to visit in 1983 and Notis was closing that very weekend. How strange - talk about timing.