Worcester Talk
Genealogy => Worcester Irish Genealogy/History => Topic started by: mjkmex on February 28, 2010, 07:43:33 AM
I ran into a web sight on google that had information related to Andrew Kneeland b 1791 d 1866 being from Linghill Sligo Ireland. I tried finding Linghill Sligo on the maps without any luck. Andrew and his wife Catherine emigrated from Sligo to Worcester between 1837-1839 I believe. They are both buried in St. Johns. I understand this information about them being from Linghill was gotten from Naturalization records in the Worcester Public Library. I can find no naturalization records for them on ancestry.com so i am at a dead end. Can anyone assist in connecting me with the information I am looking for? I am the great great grandson of Andrew and Catherine and live in Mexico so a trip down to the library is a bit out of my way. I would appreciate any assistance.
A descendant of Worcester
Mike Kneeland
MASSOG transcriptions by James Holmes Andrew Neeland(sic) Naturalized 2 Sept. 1844 Born Linghill (O'Flynn calls it Single Hill) Co. Sligo Ireland Born 1 Aug 1788 age 56. Arrived Boston 23 July 1839
residence always worcester Witnesses Patrick Henry & Patrick Holden
If you want a copy of the naturalizations you will need to check the National Archives in Waltham Mass.
Andrew Died in 1866 and Catherine in 1876. Cemetery inscription is online on tiara.ie under projects (St. Johns cemetery database)
other Neilons, Kneelands, Neylons from Sligo but not from Single Hill
O'Flynn says he was prominent and esteemed. Catherine was a McCormick, I think.
He has a will entered in Worcester in 1866 and his parents were given as John and Mary
They seem to be the same: Catherine maiden name was McCarrick and Andrews parents were John and Mary Henry. I have a copy of the will. Thank you for the information. Who or what is O Flynn you mention?
Mike if you read through some of these posts you'll learn that Richard O'Flynn was a historian of Worcester's irish and left his papers to Holy Cross College Library. The only way to access them is in person. I went through his folio 2 and made quick notes about hundreds of people that he had info on. There may well be more on Andrew Kneeland but I didn't transcribe it.
Mike why don't you start a new topic entitles Kneeland Co. Sligo and see if anyone else has something to contribute.
There is both McCarrick and Kneeland in Laughil Sligo
I just wanted to add that the Tithe Applotment for Laughill Co Sligo which includes John & Andrew Neilan, McCarrick and Henry surnames; is online at the GenWeb site for county Sligo.
Cheryl, you rock! ;) ;) ;)
Thanks Cheryl fantastic discovery. I would not have found this without your kind assistance. I would like to see the document that Merski mentions from O Flynn located in Holy Cross College. This would confirm that A Nelan is indeed my Andrew Kneeland.
I'm surprised this info is not published on the Internet.
O'Flynn's papers cannot be published without the consent of the family is what I was told. You might be able to get them to transcribe the info on Kneeland but I would suggest that you give them a donation to do so. Many, many libraries are short staffed.
Interesting, my ggrandmothers Maiden name was Mary Henry i believe she was born around 1833 and her fathers name was Patrick, I don't think Patrick her father came to the states but I know her brother and sisters did, how could I find out if this is him.
Kathy, please list this as a separate subject e.g. HENRY Family in Worcester and you'll get more specific help than under the naturalization's thread.